What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

What to expect after weight loss surgery

If you are overweight and are considering having weight loss surgery, then you should know what to expect afterward. After your surgery, you will need to make changes in your diet and start exercising regularly.

You will also need to take bariatric vitamins and calcium supplements to help keep your body healthy. These changes will be life long changes, but don’t let that scare you.

These life long changes will be for the better and you’ll be glad you made them.

Dietary Changes After Weight Loss Surgery

For the first couple months following your weight loss surgery you will be on a very light diet. At first it will be all liquids, then pureed meals. You will then move on to semi-solid foods and once you’ve completely healed, you’ll be able to eat regular solid foods again.

When you finally get back on solid foods again, you will have to stay disciplined and stick to your diet. You won’t be allowed to have sugary or fatty foods at all anymore. After all, you don’t want to gain back the weight that you’ve gone through so much to lose.

On top of avoiding certain foods, you will have to limit the portions that you eat. You will have no choice because if you overeat, you will feel very sick. An average stomach can hold about 6 cups of fluid, but once you have had weight loss surgery your stomach will only be able to hold about cup. It will expand a little bit, but don’t expect much!

Keep in mind that these healthy changes to your diet will be life-long. You will still be able to eat delicious food, but you will have to adjust your habits of how much and how often you eat.

Keep That Body Moving

Exercise is a wonderful thing. Something as simple as taking a walk can do wonders for your physical health. It’s also good for your mental well-being and can even be a spiritual or romantic adventure, depending your particular world-view.

Walks are a great way to start exercising once you’ve healed up enough after your weight loss surgery. Five minutes a day is a good place to start and it’s easy to add one minute a day. When you feel ready to really start exercising and lose that weight, talk to your doctor about some nice cardio exercise.

Riding a bike is perfect for getting that heart pumping, and cardio is where the weight loss really starts happening. Just make sure that your doctor gives you the okay so that you don’t harm yourself.

The Little Extras Make All the Difference

Bariatric vitamins are very important after your surgery.

Due to malabsorption, your body won’t be able to extract all the necessary nutrition from the food you eat.

Calcium will be especially hard to absorb, so taking a supplement like calcium chelate will be very beneficial. It doesn’t take much time and you will feel wonderful taking your supplements, especially in combination with a good diet and regular exercise.

Whether you’re considering weight loss surgery or have already had it done, these simple tasks are essential to your health.

Important: Don’t put it off or get lazy about your health because you deserve to feel great and be healthy.

Sure, it involves changing your eating and behavioral habits, but making the effort to change is totally worth it.