Weight Loss Calculator – Some Important Information


With the recent developments in people’s awareness on nutrition and health issues, many have made watching weight an important part of their daily living. With this there have emerged many different ways to achieve this goal through numerous developments and innovations in both medicine and weight loss technology. One such innovation is the Weight Loss Calculator.

The importance of keeping watch of you weight is very crucial in ones daily living and actually can impact on your alertness thus affecting your daily routine. It is therefore advisable and healthy to establish your own personal weight watch methods depending on your age, gender, height and the daily activities you are involved with.

The taller you are the more excuses you can give for having excess calorie in your body. For instance men with height of 6 feet and above don’t have a problem when they weight 75 kilograms but should not exceed 80kilograms.therefore that means that going below 75 kilograms could make you underweight but it is less hazardous to your body than the case of being beyond the weight limit. Women who are 60 kilograms and have a height of six feet should not worry too much. The shorter you are the least weight you are supposed to have. You can therefore burn the excess calories you have by exercising regularly with simple activities such as jogging, alighting from a vehicle that is stack in a traffic jam and walking as this may actually save you time.

This type of exercise that does not involve vigorous is aerobic and much recommended as it does not leave you with a lot of carbon dioxide in your body. Vigorous exercise that you may call anaerobic such as running for a long time and weight lifting in the gym non stop may result in low intake of oxygen to the body hence leaving the body with a lot of carbon dioxide. A lot of carbon dioxide in the body leaves its major byproducts such as lactic acid that are not too good for the body. 30 minutes of exercise in at least five days a week will be adequate for you. You may also avoid high intake of high calorie foods like red meat especially roasted one, eggs and frequent consumption of alcohol. This should be substituted with consumption of various vegetables, fruits and taking a lot of water. Boiling the food or even eating it raw especially the fruits will give you an added advantage.

You should therefore ensure that the amount of calorie you burn equals the amount you take and that will give you a constant weight that you can maintain easily.

Find out more information on Weight Loss Calculator.