The New Beverly Hills Diet: An Outstanding Way to Stay Healthy and Fit All the Time

New Beverly Hills Diet Meal Plans

Stay Healthy and Fit – New Beverly Hills Diet

Developed by Judy Mazel, the New Beverly Hills Diet is a healthy, safe, and proven effective diet program that classifies food into four distinct categories, namely fruits, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

By mixing the right kinds of food, people can prevent themselves from gaining weight and they can ultimately maintain a fit and healthy body.

Under this diet program, proteins and carbohydrates play a huge role in the success of people in terms of weight reduction.

A highly efficient and innovative weight-reduction program developed by Judy Mazel, the New Beverly Hills Diet plan allows people to eat various kinds of well-balanced food combinations.

Under this diet program, people can eat various kinds of well-balanced food combinations at the different times of the day.

By simply following this program, people need not to count the calories that they eat, because what it offers is a nice combination of healthy and nutritious food for everyone.

Primarily, the New Beverly Hills Diet plan calls people to live a healthy lifestyle by eating enjoyable, nutritious, and well-balanced food combinations. From all these foods, people can eat the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for a truly enjoyable and healthy life.

This special diet program allows people to mix high protein foods with other high protein food entities, as well as fats. In the meantime, high carbohydrate foods can perfectly go well with other carbohydrate entities, as well as fats.

Under the New Beverly Hills Diet plan, when people eat all-carbohydrate or all-protein meals, they must not eat fruits for the rest of that day. If they start eating protein in the morning, they must spend the rest of the day eating protein meals and dishes.

Those who start their day with carbohydrates must spend the rest of the day eating nothing else but carbohydrates. However, there is a single open meal for each day, where people can eat whatever combination they like such as shrimp and rice as well as fries and burger.

 The rest of the day must be for carbohydrates or proteins.

In the New Beverly Hills Diet plan, proteins and carbohydrates are extremely important, while fats also play a part in this highly innovative diet program. The four major classifications of food under this diet plan are fruits, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

It only takes 15 to 20 minutes before the human digestive system can process fruits. Carbohydrates can take as mush as three very long hours to digest, so people are highly advised to chew their food properly to facilitate the process.

On the other hand, proteins may take up to 10 hours or more to digest. In general, fats always come with either proteins or carbohydrates, and they do slow down the digestive process.

Moreover, exercise is not an integral part of the New Beverly Hills Diet program.

People who engage in such physical activities tend to have better impact on the human body such as outstanding blood circulation, healthy cardiovascular system, as well as greater mental health.

Overall, people who follow the principles of the New Beverly Diet plan tend to lose weight because they eat more low-fat meals.

For people who are really into weight-reduction, this one is definitely a good, safe, and healthy option.