The Rhythm Diet Review

Review of The Rhythm Diet

Review of The Rhythm Diet

The Rhythm Die improves the very components that allow each individual to express life with constructive and favorable results. Constructive and favorable results are the consequences of making informed decisions.

For instance, what you eat should directly reflect your lifestyle, that is, whatever it is your do for a living, whether it is minimal activity to very active. In other words, a horse jockey’s nutritional requirements are quite different than that of a disc jockey.

A homemaker’s nutritional requirements are different than that of one who builds homes.

Active individual require more fuel daily. Sedentary individuals do not require modest to high fuel daily, therefore, negating this fact leads to surplus calories, which leads to today’s health predicament.

The Rhythm Diet© will help individuals to reach their optimal level of health by balancing and managing nutritional habits and requirements, physical activity habits and requirements, and rejuvenation habits and requirements.

The Rhythm Diet Explained

The human body consumes energy and produces energy. Energy is our life force, without it were just a vegetable. So, we constantly burn fuel (Catabolism) and breakdown cells as a normal function of our existence. The higher the quality of nutrition intake, yields a optimally healthy individual.

The lower the quality of nutritional intake, yields a mal-nourished individual. Simply put, the way we feel and perform is directly connected with our nutritional decisions.

Our fuel to consume and produce energy, comes from our Nutrition, Physical Activity, Rest, Spirit, and Mentality (Behavior and Beliefs,). Physically, our bodies produce three (3) three major energy phases, these phases are called, “Metabolic Phases”.

The Rhythm Diet Phases

Phase1: (Small-medium portion Meal), begins with the first awakening hour of a given twenty-four hour (24) cycle. This phase is called, The Metabolic Ignition, the period of any given 24 hour cycle, considered as Break-Fast (Breakfast).

Phase 2: (Largest Meal) the period of any given 24 hour cycle, considered as Lunch, begins seven hours after the first hour of awakening. This is the time during each twenty-four (24) cycle, that the body’s systems are most active, Theta Brainwaves, Digestion, Endocrine System, and a perfect time for physical performance.

This Phase is also called the Protein Phase, why? Because this is the best time to consume protein and the large complex molecular composition. Protein is usually associated with fat, fat equals nine kilo-calories (Kcal) per gram (g).

This means that for every amount of fat weighing approximately the weight of a paper clip, yields nine (9) Kcal (That’s equivalent to approximately the energy it takes to take thirty-six (36) steps). Thus, Phase 2 is critical to those whose objectives are to lose and/or manage weight.

Phase 3: Also called the Bedtime Phase, (Smallest Meal) consisting of simple and complex carbohydrates, occurs seven hours after Phase 2. This is the time during each twenty-four (24) cycle, when the body energy descends, it is literally preparing for sleep.

Sleep is when our bodies heal, injured cells are repaired, dead cells are replaced. This is also when the heart gets its rest. The human lifespan is approximately eighty years. That equals three billion (3,000,000,000) beats per lifetime. However, most people won’t come close to this staggering figure with today’s equally staggering cases of overweight and obesity. Eating  late is usually considered the worst you can do in relationship to eating or a particular diet.

However, over the more than  twenty-five (25) of experimentation and observation, it is more important, what on eats versus what time one eats. Vegetable soup, raw vegetable salad, Juiced vegetables, Whole Grains (Pasta, Rice, Hot Cereal) are all perfect foods to consume during this phase.

Result:  This wonderful system harmonizes your nutritional intake, physical activity and rest, with your Circadian Rhythm (Natural Body Clock). Now, one begins to eat and drink in appropriation to his or her lifestyle.

The Rhythm Diet Standardized Diets are in progress.

The Rhythm Diet Standardized Diets will come complete with daily eating time, physical activity time, and rest/rejuvenation.

Each plan is based off of the principles of  The Rhythm Diet.

In short, Dr. Zarif encourages to eat in appropriation to your lifestyle,  your rhythm of sleep, and physical activity habits. Choose The Rhythm Diet: Eating Plan that suits you best.