What Is Obesity?


Obesity is a classification within the weight categories where your body fat content is at a high risk on your health and life, and aside from the obvious physical disadvantages, being obese could in fact be something a lot more than just a dangerously unhealthy lifestyle, there may be complications within the roots of your family in which the underlying problem of weight is passed on through generations in the family genes. In other words, if a couple, together wanting to produce a family, are classed as overweight then the chances of producing obese children because of these genetic disorders within them is of a likely unfortunate chance.

If asking yourself ‘what is obesity, and ‘will it affect me’ plays a daunting part in your sub-conscious then don’t waver at the idea of visiting a health professional or your G.P because such a step could be crucial to avoiding this type of risky lifestyle. Being shown the right road to go down at an early enough stage of an already border line health risk situation could in fact create that change around of bad events yet to occur, like diabetes. Preventing such diseases is capable if you hold an active and healthy lifestyle that includes a good source of vitamins and minerals.

Being overweight is a situation that an individual will be aware of without being told by anyone else, but in order to start a change before things turn in the direction of obesity you need to tell yourself the options and you must want the change in order for it to be reachable and achievable.

Defining what is obesity, as mentioned earlier, does hold other complications than just a bad eating lifestyle because you do need to want a change in order for it to happen so if your state of mind isn’t in the right place then perhaps speaking to a psychologist or even your G.P will help you to see the bigger picture. There is no point in burying your head and just wishing things were different, because living in a world of happiness with the dangerous weight you are at is only going to last in your head, it’s not going to be a reality in the long haul of things.

Don’t set yourself too much a weight goal to reach, be realistic and make notes of the pounds lost each week and what you had to eat along with any physical activity, even if cleaning, was done that week. See where you do well and where you don’t, this will help you get a better idea of what weight you want to, and will, achieve through this lifestyle changing diet that suits you. You will be asking yourself, what is obesity doing in my precious life.

Once you start to see these physical changes your mind will do a complete U-Turn towards a happier ‘head-held-high’ you.

I have a very keen interest in health and well-being and the cooking genre. Currently studying sports degree I am keen to advise on health issues with knowledge gained so far. I have started my own cooking and healthy eating lifestyles blog. You can come visit me at You Are What You Eat for health and weight loss advise and You Ask The Cooks for recipes and cooking tips.